A Great Start for
Little Lions
Organic mama & infant nutrition for the first 1,000 days
1,000 days: from conception to second birthday
Did you know that baby's brain reaches 75% of its full size by their second birthday? What a baby and their mother eats during pregnancy and breastfeeding has a big impact on child development.
No pesticides or chemicals ever.
Wholefood nutrition in the first 1,000 days
Our focus is on nutrient-dense food for mothers and babies in the first 1,000 days. We work together with nutritionists, manufacturers and independent laboratories to develop organic and Demeter-certified infant formulas, first foods and nutrition support for mums that have high bioavailability. Parents can absolutely rely on quality and safety with us.
Versandkostenfrei ab 50 Euro
Versandkostenfrei ab 50 Euro
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If you are dissatisfied with our organic baby food or mum products, we will refund the purchase price in full.
Receive 15% discount when you order a flexible subscription with our follow-on infant formulas in our skim milk and goat milk range.
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Organic baby food from the start
Baby foods are specially formulated foods designed to meet the specific nutritional needs of babies. There are different types of baby food, including infant formula such as first stage infant formula and follow-on formula, and complementary foods such as baby porridge or pureed fruit and vegetables.
However, not all baby food is the same. Organic baby food is especially important for babies and toddlers, as they are in a sensitive growth phase and their organs are not yet able to fully break down harmful substances such as pesticides.
Löwenzahn Organics has consciously decided against producing pureed fruit and vegetables from jars or plastic drink bags. This is because pureed fruit and vegetables lack fibre, secondary plant compounds and vitamins. In addition, the sugar content of pureed fruit is extremely high. This does not correspond to our understanding of the best possible organic baby food in the first 1,000 days.
More on the topic: Babies don't need sugar.
From when, which baby food?
When to start first infant formula?
Löwenzahn Organics Organic First Infant Formula is optimally adapted to the needs of babies after birth.When to start follow-on milk?Löwenzahn Organics has organic follow-on milks for babies after 6, 10 and 12 months. Sometimes there is misunderstanding about the expression "after" and "from". After the 6th month means that the baby has completed the 6th month of life and is already 7 months old. The expression "after" is prescribed by law for milk formula. This regulation does not apply to baby food.
When to start baby food?
Löwenzahn Organics Demeter Baby Porridge Pure Oat is gluten-free and suitable for babies from 5 months of age. Babies do not tolerate cereals containing gluten until they are 7 months old. Therefore, we have adapted baby porridge from the 7th month to the needs of older babies.
When to start bone broth for babies?
Bone broth is wonderful for complementary feeding but also for family meals.
Löwenzahn Organics Organic Bone Broth for Babies is salt-free and suitable for babies from 8 months of age. Ideal for vegetable-potato mash, base for soups and sauces or pasta dishes.