
For pregnancy, breastfeeding & postpartum

Löwenzahn Organics Mama: because mama's nutrition is also baby's nutrition.


Mama's marathon has begun


Why special foods for Mum?

Mum and baby

Löwenzahn Organics products are for mums and babies.

Mum's nutrition is often forgotten because there are so many other things going on. However, mamas' nutrition during pregnancy and breastfeeding also has a great influence on baby's cognitive development, intestinal and brain development as well as the development of the immune system.

Nutrients for Two

Löwenzahn Organics uses nutrient-dense ingredients for our mama foods.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, mothers do not need twice the amount of food. However, they do need significantly more nutrients than before. The nutritional needs of a breastfeeding woman are sometimes even greater than those of a pregnant woman. This is because when breastfeeding, a mum also feeds her own nutrients to her baby.

Shaping the taste

Löwenzahn Organics products for mums are "sweet" to "umami".

Babies learn the taste qualities "sweet", "salty", "sour", "bitter", "umami" already before birth through the amniotic fluid. Depending on what a mother eats. Babies also learn about taste through their mother's milk. By the way: After birth, children prefer tastes that they have already got to know through mummy's food.

More breast milk

Certain Löwenzahn Organics products for mums can stimulate milk production.

The ingredients fenugreek and yeast flakes are included in our Energy Snacks for breastfeeding: Both are significant medicinal plants and fungi and are rich in minerals and vitamins. Our Bone Broth for Mamas contains fennel, aniseed and caraway seeds in the recipe. Especially ideal for breastfeeding women, as these ingredients can increase milk production.

Better regeneration

Selected Löwenzahn Organics products for mums contain important proteins.

The postpartum period is an intense time of healing from birth. Our Bone Broth for Mamas contains a variety of valuable nutrients. The proteins it contains, such as collagen, can support wound healing.


Organic Energy Balls for mum's increased energy needs

CHF 5.35 inc. 2.6 % tax und customs 

Free Shipping from 50 CHF

CHF 5.25 inkl. 2.6 % MwSt. und Zollgebühren 

Versandkostenfrei ab 50 CHF

CHF 5.25 inkl. 2.6 % MwSt. und Zollgebühren 

Versandkostenfrei ab 50 CHF

CHF 8.05 incl. 2.6 % VAT and customs duties 

Free delivery from 50 CHF

During the first four months of breastfeeding, a mother needs an additional 500 calories a day on top of her normal energy consumption (if she does not feed any more baby milk).

During the first four months of breastfeeding, a mother needs an additional 500 calories a day on top of her normal energy consumption (if she does not feed any more baby milk).

German Nutrition Society (DGE), Reference Values Energy.

Gifts for Mamas for the Birth

CHF 32.15 CHF 27.30 inc. 2.6 % tax und customs 

Free Shipping above 50 CHF

Mums report

A friend gave me the bars for breastfeeding mums to try out. After the taste convinced me, I went to the website to order more of them right away. I could immediately identify with the comparison "breastfeeding like competitive sport"! Today my starter pack arrived and I am thrilled. Not only is the taste great - the design is great and more than appealing. I find myself in the brand, because "we are all equally tired".

- Adelheid D., Bruck an der Mur

I am a midwife and will gladly order again at any time. The bars are wonderful and I am happy to recommend them to my breastfeeding wives.

- Marie-Anette T., Emmendingen

Super tasty bars without industrial sugar! Perfect as a snack for all new mums!

- Almuth Z., Admannshagen

The Energy-Bar not only taste delicious, they also increase milk production. Good as a snack in between meals. I always take one with me when I go for a walk in the carriage. I am happy to recommend these to others.

- Sandra H., Hartmannsdorf

Super fast delivery. Delicious yet effective bars! - Franziska B., Hamburg

- Franziska B., Hamburg
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Baby und Mama

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