Our founding idea

Our values

Our products

Our standards

Our founding idea

Our values

Our products

Our standards

The birth of Löwenzahn Organics


The birth of Löwenzahn Organics

We are Liz and Alice - mothers and founders of Löwenzahn Organics.

When we became mothers ourselves, it became clear to us, completely unexpectedly, that while breastfeeding is natural it does not always work out that way. Today we know that many parents have shared the same experience.

Since the human being is never again as impressionable as in the first 1,000 days - from conception to the second birthday - we expect an optimal nutrient composition in organic quality from baby food and food for mothers. In addition, it should be produced in an ecologically fair manner and developed according to the latest scientific findings.

This is how Löwenzahn Organics came into being.

Pre Nahrung

From the idea to the product

Together with nutritionists, we set to work and developed infant formula and baby food with the highest standards – to the standard we would want to feed our own children. Since 2016, we have been developing and producing modern organic products that optimally support the nutrition of mothers and their babies in the first 1,000 days.


Liz Sauer Williamson


Until the birth of my first child, I never thought about possibly not being able to breastfeed. So I was all the more shocked to find myself in the drugstore and not at all satisfied with the selection of infant formulas that was available. I felt cornered: forced to compromise on my baby's food. With us, parents don't have to choose between organic quality and modern functional ingredients.

We know what moves mothers

Being mamas of young children ourselves, we understand the needs of mothers very well. Of course, at the beginning we didn't really know what to expect on this journey. We encountered many instructions and well-intentioned advice on what we as parents should or should not do. Soon we realised that besides the great happiness of having a baby, there were also many challenges for us mothers, both physically and mentally. Motherhood is unique: it brings love and joy, but it is also demanding and requires a lot, every day.

Stillen und Fläschchen geben

We know what moves mothers

Being mamas of young children ourselves, we understand the needs of mothers very well. Of course, at the beginning we didn't really know what to expect on this journey. We encountered many instructions and well-intentioned advice on what we as parents should or should not do. Soon we realised that besides the great happiness of having a baby, there were also many challenges for us mothers, both physically and mentally. Motherhood is unique: it brings love and joy, but it is also demanding and requires a lot, every day.

Mothers need trust and understanding

We are convinced that mothers know best what their bodies and families need. What mamas don't need, however, is to have to answer for themselves in terms of an outdated idealisation of motherhood and to be scrutinised for every decision they make.

This already starts with the decision on how or what to feed. Again and again there are discussions about breastfeeding in public, formula in bottles or pumping milk. We think that every mother should decide for herself how she feeds - without judgement or even criticism from outside. Mothers should stand up for each other and support others in making their own decisions with confidence.


We stand up for more tolerance and understanding - in real life and on social media: #coolmomsdontjudge #noShameInYourFeedingGame

Our values

Mama kuschelt mit Baby

Our values

Mothers in focus

We know: Being a mum, with all its ups and downs, with all its joy and fatigue, is an incredibly moving time. Our mission is to empower mothers and to openly address taboo topics. We no longer want to support outdated role clichés, but show a real and diverse image of parenthood. In doing so, we put parents at the centre of our product development process.


Completely without compromise

Our claim is to produce the best possible baby food – without compromise. Our independence allows us to question all processes: for the better product, the best quality and the highest safety. Parents can always rely on us for organic quality, the best nutritional composition and safety.


Better for the next generation

We not only want to give babies the best start in life, we also want to leave a world worth living in for future generations. We therefore make sure that our decisions contribute to sustainable development and the protection of the ecosystem.


Data instead of conventions

We do not remain stuck in old structures, but think outside the box. When developing products, we rely on current scientific studies, data, customer surveys and our experiences as mothers and other parents. This is how we create innovative products that parents and babies really need.


Family friendly and flexible

We have a family-friendly, flexible and equitable company culture at Löwenzahn Organics. Employees do not have to hide their caring responsibilities in order to be taken seriously or to take up managerial positions. As entrepreneurs and founders, we want to be a role model and enable our employees to organise their working day in a way that is most compatible with their lives.



Alice Mrongovius


Not only is a baby born, but also a mother!

The vision of our products


The vision of our products

Our vision is to give babies the best start in life. Only the best ingredients in certified organic quality go into our innovative products - free from unnecessary additives, produced fairly and sustainably. Transparency in the production chain and independent safety checks ensure that parents can trust the products from Löwenzahn Organics.

Bio logo


Products for Löwenbabies

We are convinced that a healthy gut is the most important contribution to determining the physical and mental development of newborns. Our organic infant formulas and complementary foods are tailored to the needs of babies. The recipes are designed according to the latest scientific findings. With innovations such as infant formula made from whole milk powder, we have further developed our range to be able to supply more babies with suitable infant formula.

Products for Löwenmamas

The Bio Energy Bites for breastfeeding are our first products for mothers. The energy bars help with the body's own production of breast milk and provide plenty of power to meet the increased energy needs.

Why do other manufacturers and the food industry still so often ignore the health needs, problems and nutrition of mothers? We want to change that. That is why we are working flat out to expand our Löwenzahn Organics range with innovative organic products for (expectant) mothers and their needs.


Liz Sauer Williamson


There are countless shakes, energy bars and co. for every conceivable sport, but where are the products for mothers? Why are the nutritional requirements of growing a new human being completely disregarded? We want to make the needs of women visible and fulfil them!

Our standards

Mama küsst Baby

Our standards

As strong as a lion right from the start

Especially in the first 1,000 days, the correct nutrition plays a key role in the positive development of babies and toddlers. For all our products, we rely on high-quality raw materials and their optimal composition. We only use ingredients for our products that have a positive effect on the baby's well-being - we avoid anything unnecessary.

Why organic?

For us, being able to offer products with the best possible nutritional composition in organic quality also means

Keine Pestizide GIF

Avoidance of synthetic chemical pesticides minimises the risk of immune system disorders.

Ohne Gentechnik GIF

High-quality organic raw materials are free from genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and their derivatives.


Certification according to the EU Organic Regulation ensures animal welfare appropriate to the species and prohibits the use of preventive antibiotics.


That is not enough for us

The EU requirements for nutrient compositions for baby food are not enough for us. The fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is required by the EU - but not the fatty acid arachidonic acid (ARA). Both are important for the normal development of the immune system in a 1:1 ratio. We add DHA and ARA to our milk formula. In doing so, we follow the recommendations of the Nutrition Commission of the German Society for Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 2020.

Sustainable cultivation

We want to treat the earth we live on responsibly. The way we treat our environment today has ecological consequences for how we leave it for our children.

That is why we use algae oil instead of fish oil in our infant formula as a source of DHA and only organic and RSPO-certified sustainable palm oil for our Original baby formula. We do not want to support overfishing of the oceans or deforestation.


Product safety and traceability

Our philosophy includes, in addition to numerous analyses in the production facilities, independent and additional laboratory tests in which we analyse our entire range of products for any harmful substances such as mineral oils, pesticides or mycotoxins.

Every production checked: Our baby food is tested.


Where do the ingredients for my product come from?

Thanks to the transparency code on each pack, you can find out here where our raw materials come from.

All our products are made in Europe. Our milk formula is produced in Austria, the Organic Baby Porridge and the Organic Energy Bites in Denmark and the Organic Bone Broth in Germany.

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15% discount for new customers

Subscribe to our newsletter and get a discount on your first order*Please note that for legal reasons we are not allowed to give discounts on first infant formulas.