Ab in die Schüssel: Knochenbrühe für dein Baby


Ab in die Schüssel: Knochenbrühe für dein Baby

Verfeinern von herzhafter Beikost wie Suppen oder Gemüsebrei mit Knochenbrühe – Oder, wie du die Darmgesundheit deines Babys unterstützt und schützt. Unsere Löwenzahn Organics Familie hat erneut Zuwachs bekommen: Bio Bone Broth in den Varianten Rind und Huhn. 

We are very pleased that the ÖKO-TEST results for May/2019 have confirmed the high standards that we ourselves set for our products.
"No stress, no hectic eating. Because in babies, the brain develops in parallel with the intestinal brain".

Giulia Enders. Gut: The Inside Story of Our Body's Most Underrated Organ

"The use of BPA-free plastic products could be just as harmful to human health - including the developing brain - as products with BPA"
"Mustard-yellow milk stool despite bottle-feeding? It just depends on the right ingredients."
"We spent a lot of time with bone broth manufacturers and nutritionists. It is a long but important process to bring a new product to the market for the needs of babies and parents."

Liz, Co-Gründerin

"Before the time of our Organic Bone Broth, I used to boil gallons of bone broth over 12 hours - it was quite smelly in the flat. I use bone broth in almost every dish that comes to the table in my home."

Alice, Co-founder

Milk formula in best organic quality for your baby

CHF 108.90 CHF 92.58 pro Delivery
CHF 108.90 CHF 92.58 pro Delivery




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